

Cyclone Preparedness and Safety Guidelines for New Residents and Visitors in Mauritius

Cyclone Mauritius

At Frolic, we believe in the safety and well-being of our community. In the spirit of preparedness, we have compiled essential information on cyclone preparedness for residents and visitors in Mauritius. Be proactive, stay informed, and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety during cyclones.

Photo credit: NASA

Here are some quick tips for cyclone preparedness and safety new residents and visitors in Mauritius


Cyclone Warning Conditions:

Mauritius’ cyclone warning system, established by the Mauritian Meteorological Services, categorizes cyclones into Classes 1 to 4 based on their potential impact. Stay vigilant and be aware of the following classes:

  • Class 1: Issued 36 – 48 hours before the anticipated cyclone or depression.
  • Class 2: Issued with 12 hours of daylight before expected gusts of 120 km/h.
  • Class 3: Issued in time for 6 hours of daylight before the arrival of 120 km/h gusts.
  • Class 4: Issued when 120 km/h gusts are occurring and expected to continue. Termination indicates reduced danger.

Cyclone Warnings:

Stay updated with the latest bulletins from the Mauritius Meteorological Service through their website http://metservice.intnet.mu/ or by calling 8996. Follow these guidelines to safeguard yourself and your loved ones:

Cyclone Preparedness:

Whether you are a resident or a tourist, take the following precautions:

  • Stock up on essential supplies: food, bottled water, medications, candles, matches, and batteries.
  • Keep your car fueled; gas stations may be inoperable after the storm.
  • Prepare for store closures; have enough provisions to last through the cyclone.
  • Secure your home: check generators, clear debris, and secure loose items.
  • Boil and filter water; tap water may be tainted after a cyclone.

During the Storm:

  • Stay indoors; flying debris is dangerous.
  • Avoid beaches; storm surge, rip tides, and rogue waves pose hazards.
  • Stay in an interior room away from windows.
  • Keep communication lines open for emergencies.


  • Be aware of road conditions; do not drive under a Class 3 or 4 warning.

Vehicle Insurance Information:

  • Ensure comprehensive insurance coverage for your vehicle.
  • Driving during cyclones may not be covered for personal injury or death.
  • Do not drive under Class 3 or 4 warnings for safety.


Frolic encourages everyone to prioritize safety and well-being during cyclones in Mauritius

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