
Fun things to do this weekend in Mauritius: 21-23 July– Frolic

Week-end à l'île Maurice, Meilleures choses à faire ce week-end de juillet à l'île Maurice

Aperçu de toutes les choses amusantes à faire ce week-end à Maurice !

Notre île regorge de nombreuses activités amusantes et passionnantes. Des soirées sympas aux concerts de musique live, en passant par les marchés et bien plus encore, nous avons compilé toutes les choses à faire ce week-end à Maurice. Entrez dans le 7ème mois de cette année avec de nombreuses activités passionnantes et amusantes auxquelles vous pourrez vous adonner avec vos amis et votre famille. Poursuivez votre lecture pour découvrir comment profiter au maximum de ce week-end à Maurice. 

Choses à faire ce week-end à Maurice : 

1. Drama Festival 2.0

 UOM Oracle Club is hosting a unique Masquerade Ball Drama Festival ce July 21 sur 10:30 am to 4 pm au Paul Octave Wiéhé Auditorium in Reduit. Cosplaying, a live sketch booth, masquerade dance performances, and picture booths may all be found there. Join a world of mystery where masquerade meets drama. Would you want to dress up, dance to energizing DJ rhythms, and see spellbinding drama sketches? You must then sign up. Prepare to be astounded by a unique celebration of creativity, connection, and the delight of taking on the role of your favorite character. Find more about the event ici. 

Photo Credit: UOM Oracle Club

2.  Star Gazing

Ville intelligente de Moka et Keep The Pace have teamed up and organized a special star gazing event offering Mauritians the opportunity to observe them through a telescope at the Telfair amphitheater on 21st July from 7 pm – 9 pm. The objective is to make it possible for individuals to view via a professional telescope stars like Jupiter, Saturn, or even the moon’s surface at least once in their lives and to increase awareness of the cosmos through simple explanations and stories about it. a pastime to experience alone, with loved ones, or with friends and coworkers! Find more about the event ici. 

Also, it’s a FREE event. 

Crédit photo : Moka Smart City

3. Hike at Petit Verger – Creve Coeur

On Sunday, July 23, 2023, 7:30 am – 1:30 pm,  Nature Warriors Ile Maurice organized a lengthy hike around the Moka range. You will visit the villages of Petit Verger, La Laura, Malenga, and Creve Coeur during this stroll. You will also see the Moka range in all its splendor during this stroll and will be able to see Le Pouce Mountain, Grand Glacis, Grand Peak, and the Pieter Both with your unaided eyes. Don’t miss out on this cool opportunity to explore our paradise islands with like-minded and friendly people. Find more details about the plan ici..


Crédit photo : Nature Warriors Maurice

4. SPARC Friday Chill and Grill

Visit Sparc at 6 PM on Friday 21 July, to relax, and grill event. Bring your friends for an unforgettable experience filled with sizzling BBQ treats, delectable cuisine, and laid-back attitudes!
It’s free to enter and find more details ici.

Crédit photo : Sparc Maurice

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